Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 1

Initial setup

Water source used was:

5. Meads Quarry, Island Home Ave

5. Meads Quarry, Island Home Ave
Meads Quarry, Island Home Ave, 
Knox Co. Tennessee 
Partial shade exposure Rock Quarry 
N35 57.162 W83 51.960 880 10/10/2010
K. 2010. Botany 111 2010. [Online]. Available from: http://botany1112010.blogspot.com/. Accessed 2010 October 12.

A pipet was used to extract water from a container in the lab containing water and sediment from this source.  An extraction was made which contained water and substrate from the bottom, middle, and top layer of the sample.  These extractions were used to fill the MicroAquarium tank.  Also put into the tank were two different plants to help aid in oxygen production in the tank.

Plant A
Fontinalis sp. Moss. Collection from: Natural spring. at Carters Mill Park, Carter Mill Road, Knox Co. TN. Partial shade exposure. N36 01.168 W83 42.832. 10/10/2010 
Plant B
Utricularia gibba L. Flowering plant. A carnivous plant. Original material from south shore of Spain Lake (N 35o55 12.35" W088o20' 47.00), Camp Bella Air Rd. East of Sparta Tn. in White Co. and grown in water tanks outside of greenhouse at Hesler Biology Building. The University of Tennessee. Knox Co. Knoxville TN.
K. 2010. Botany 111 2010. [Online]. Available from: http://botany1112010.blogspot.com/. Accessed 2010 October 12.  

Upon initial setup, the tank was put underneath a microscope where several different types of organisms were observed at different levels of the tank.
Day 1: After setup

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